
Oh good lord – I was sure I’d published this on Friday! I must have hit save instead of publish – I’m sorry folks!

Wednesday’s outfit: dress: Laura Ashley; top: Primark; cardi: charity shop; shoes: Ness

Well, we’re getting closer and closer to completion with the extension – today the plasterers were in, making for a near-completed room! Once the floor tiles are down and the walls are painted we just need to make a quick trip to a well-known Swedish furniture superstore (hooray – storage and fabric shopping!) and we’ll be home free! I’ll be able to unpack and stop living out of boxes and suitcases – what bliss!

We’ll also be able to get into a proper routine, something about which I am especially excited. It’s a bit unsettling not knowing exactly how things will fit together, and although everything is working relatively well just now, I think it will all work so much better once I have a permanent work location. I will also have a dedicated crafting corner, which will be a real treat!

Meanwhile, the week has past in a blur of online conferences, (a huge success, and BOY did I deserve that glass of wine with my sushi on Wednesday night!), birthday dinner with Ben, and Dapper’s OfSTED inspection (nightmare time for teacher-types!), leaving me feeling quite exhausted, but in that somehow contented, “thank GOD that’s over” sort of way. I think by the start of December everything will be starting to quieten down a bit.

Some pictures from this week:

New shoes

Pasta and meatballs – a quick and easy dinner.

Toesles – and lots of them!
Some people have expressed an interest in making a toesles, so here’s the tutorial linky from our sew make believe workshop.

This weekend we plan to attend the Reenactor’s Market, where I hope to buy a nice wool plaid to cover the sofa with. And potentially some Christmas presents too.

And finally a quick plug: Ben is taking part in Movember, growning in a ginger tache to raise money and awareness for men’s health. If you can spare a quid or two, please visit his profile and donate to him – he is as yet unsponsored, and I can vouch for the fact that a tache is growing on in…

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